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Image by Jen P.






How will Elevation Fit Club benefit you & your life?

Image by Drew Coffman

Better Wife & Partner

Being fit means your brain is working better & more efficiently allowing you to make quicker & better decisions for you & your partner. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, putting you in a better mood. When you come home from a long day at work, you wont be as exhausted or sluggish. Maybe this means you and your partner out for dinner, or a movie - spending extra quality time with them. This allows you both to strengthen your relationship - giving you a better marriage. Your extra brain power, could help you to pick up on subtle ques, ask the right questions & make you a more attentive wife.

Image by Radu Florin

Improved Mental Health

Exercise combats effects of physical and mental stress while improving your  brain’s response to stress. You may not be able to reduce the daily stressors in your long day, but you can change the way you respond. At the same time, increased confidence & lowered stress chemicals help to manage the symptoms of depression & anxiety. In some cases, even 30 minutes of exercise a day is even more effective than medication! Being mentally strong can help you to make better decisions for you, your career & your family. Gain the mental strength to be a better sister, mother, daughter & woman.

Image by Christopher Campbell

Physical Health

Over the winter months especially, it is easy to get a little sluggish. Keeping you flexible, strong & healthy for as long as possible - a healthy diet & maybe even some lost pounds will make you feel better. Women are usually pros when it comes to multi-tasking. Feeling better mentally & physically boosts your ability to do so more effectively & accurately. Women are much more likely to develop osteoporosis due to the lowered levels of estrogen as they age. Strengthening your bones & muscles while you can, will help avoid issues down the road & could prevent early death because of things like hip fractures from falls that you don't recover from. Losing weight can provide you with better quality sleep. Your body needs good sleep to gain positive mental health, self esteem & motivation. 

Image by Christina @

Potential Promotion

Highly motivated individuals tend to perform better. This shows in their attitude, daily outlook, performance, quality of work, time management & is always felt by coworkers. This means you need to try every way you can to keep your motivation and your belief high. If you have a clear idea of what you are trying to accomplish & you are mentally & physically able to keep up with the ever growing demands & changes of the business, you stand the best chance of achieving your goals & success. Losing weight & getting shape could get noticed for your outstanding performance & great attitude. You might even get promoted! 

Image by Jonathan Borba

Better Mother

When your body is able to function better & more efficiently, it allows for the extra energy that would have been spent on basic & every day functions & tasks - to be spent on other things. This could include making a blanket fort with your son, making cookies with your daughter, or even just having a movie night with all the kids after long day of hard work. Being able to more quickly accomplish the same amount of tasks, allots you a little extra time & energy. Quality time is something you can't get back - once you miss your chance, its gone. Getting in shape allows you be the best mother possible.

Image by Julian Paolo Dayag

Avoid Injury & Sickness

Between work & the kids, women can have physically exhausting days requiring long hours & constant movement. No matter what your job is, you have to be able to physically accomplish your task & duties, no matter how tired you are. This includes being flexible enough to correctly fulfill these duties & potentially avoid injury. Being physically drained each day lowers your ability to fight infection & sickness. Your body doesn't have enough energy to fight the bacteria if you catch something, or the energy to heal quickly from injuries. Less weight puts less pressure on your bones & joints, increasing flexibility & agility. Being in shape gives you & your body the strength & energy to make sure your PTO days are spent on vacation - not laying in bed sick or hurt. 

Sporty Woman Stretching

"Do something for yourself - You are worth it."

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