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Senior Book Club


Image by Stella de Smit

Delay & Prevent Health Concerns

Strength training, regular exercise & better a better diet keeps you fit & more alert for daily activities. It also allows your body to function more efficiently & productively. This reduces your chances & in some cases delays certain diseases that tend to come with getting older, lowers your chances for falls & other health concerns. Your brain is able to process & decision make better because of the increased blood & oxygen flow to the entire body. The more in shape you are, the better your mind & body are able to cope & recover for the next day.

Increased Energy

When your body is able to function better & more efficiently, it allows for the extra energy that would have been spent on basic functions & tasks - to be spent on other things. This could include visiting friends, taking a walk in the park, or more quality time spent with the grandkids. Whatever the case may be, less weight gives you the energy to keep losing weight & continuing to see the compounded benefits it provides.

Image by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen
Image by Esther Ann

Reduces Bone Loss

Less weight on your body along with consistent exercise helps to prevent bone loss & can actually restore bone density. We lose bone density as we age, but strength training has been shown to counteract this loss. Stronger bones leads to fewer fractures & can aid in general balance. Falls can be life threatening as we age, but exercise can help us to live independently for longer - with a better quality of life.

Mental Wellbeing

Exercise combats effects of physical and mental stress while improving your  brain’s response to stress. You may not be able to reduce the daily stressors in your day, but you can change the way you respond. At the same time, increased confidence & lowered stress chemicals help to manage the symptoms of depression & anxiety. In some cases, even 30 minutes of exercise a day is even more effective than medication! 

Image by Ravi Patel
Image by Anna

Reduces Pain

An object in motion - stays in motion. While it may seem counterintuitive, moving more can actually help lessen the pain and stiffness of arthritis. Low-impact cardiovascular activity, strength training, and range-of-motion exercises all help to reduce your arthritis pain. The stronger surrounding muscles take pressure off of the joints & could ease inflammation - reducing stiffness. 

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