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Image by Susan Q Yin


"Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable. And you are worth the effort."
-Deborah Day

What is the correlation between getting in shape & becoming a better educator?

See the information, statistics & studies below that explain the professional benefits of losing weight & getting in better shape.

Kids in Preschool

Physically Prepared

Strength training, regular exercise & better rest makes you fit & more alert for the physically demanding job of teaching. Being on your feet all day, actively & constantly watching over students (especially younger ones with extra energy), staying up late to grade & create next week's lesson plans - teaching can be draining. The more in shape you are, the better your mind & body are able to cope & recover for the next school day.

Increased Energy

When your body is able to function better & more efficiently, it allows for the extra energy that would have been spent on basic functions & tasks - to be spent on other things. This could include hanging out with friends, checking off some of those honey-to-do lists, or more quality time spent with the kids after long day at work.

Image by Xavier Mouton Photographie
Image by Jess Bailey


A Penn State University study found that those who exercise, had more pleasant feelings than those who didn’t. Exercise releases endorphins, creating feelings of wellbeing and happiness. A happy teacher is a more effective teacher, can hold the attention of students longer & builds a sense of trust & respect from the students, no matter their age. When you feel better, you have more confidence in yourself, make better decisions & in the long run - have a more impactful experience for the students.

Mental Wellbeing

Exercise combats effects of physical and mental stress while improving your  brain’s response to stress. You may not be able to reduce the daily stressors in your school day, but you can change the way you respond. At the same time, increased confidence & lowered stress chemicals help to manage the symptoms of depression & anxiety. In some cases, even 30 minutes of exercise a day is even more effective than medication! Teaching is a admirable career, as you are literally helping to shape the future through impactful education, however, depression and anxiety can severely impact your ability to teach effectively.

Image by Kinga Howard
Image by Jessica Rockowitz

Role Model

Thinking of new ways to teach an old concept, bringing fun and excitement to school & shifting how you teach to better communicate to students requires creativity. After exercise, creativity is at a high for up to 2 hours! This help you to keep students wanting to come back to your class & engaged in the activity you are discussing. What you do sometimes impacts your students more than what you say. When they see that you are excited & try new things - they are more likely to do the same. When they know that you exercise or value physical movement, they are more likely to follow your lead. You are their role model.

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Image by Tim Gouw
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