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Golfer health, weight loss for golfer, improve golf game


"Mistakes are part of the game. Its how well you recover from them, that's the mark of a great player."


-Alice Cooper

Image by Steven Shircliff

Ball Flight

The more muscle you have the stronger & faster your swing will be, allowing for a longer ball flight. Just some light workouts can help you to snag a few extra yards. This also provides you with greater control over your body - allowing for more correct & solid contact with the ball during your swing. With better control & better contact - you get a better shot.

Image by Peter Drew

Mental Strength

We all know - golf is a mental game. Exercise combats effects of physical and mental stress while improving your  brain’s response to stress. You may not be able to reduce the daily stressors in your long day, or that shot a bad shank for the 5th time today, but you can change the way you respond. At the same time, increased confidence & lowered stress chemicals help to manage the symptoms of depression & anxiety. In some cases, even 30 minutes of exercise a day is even more effective than medication! Being mentally strong can help you to make better decisions & handle those bad shots a little better. Handling each bad shot better allows you to mentally recover & figure out how to fix your next shot instead of just thinking about your last one.

Image by Isaac Quesada

Increased Energy

When your body is able to function better & more efficiently, it allows for the extra energy that would have been spent on basic & every day functions & tasks - to be spent on other things. This could include having enough energy to stay and have a drink after a round, checking off some of those honey-to-do lists at home, or even more quality time spent the kids. Providing a better quality of life - being able to do more during the day allots you the ability to golf & still have the energy to come home and spend quality time with the family.

Image by Andrew Lomas

Better Posture & Biomechanics

When your body feels better & can move without restriction from greater flexibility, you allow for better set up, follow through, putting stance & even those sand shots or angled hill shots. Your body moves the way you intend, allowing you to make better adjustments to your swing without the restriction of tired & weaker muscles. With a hundred different things to remember during your swing, giving your body the ability to swing the way you intend, checks off one less thing you have to worry about.

Image by Viktor Kiryanov

Flexibility & Endurance

As in any athletic sport, flexibility & endurance is important. Frequent exercise allows your body to get used to the movement & increases your flexibility for your swing. Endurance is a big one too. We have all been there.. making the turn you felt ok.. you can do the back 9 - no problem. Then around hole 13 or 14... you're wondering if you really feel like playing the last few holes - especially since your body is tired and it shows in your swing. More energy from workouts on top of less weight, allows your body the extra energy to keep going for a full & well played 18 holes.

Image by Sugar Golf


A Penn State University study found that those who exercise, had more pleasant feelings than those who didn’t. Exercise releases endorphins, creating feelings of wellbeing and happiness. A happy golfer is a more effective, & accurate player, can better solve problems & builds a sense of trust & respect from your group. When you feel better, you have more confidence in yourself, make better decisions & in the long run - have a more impactful, pleasant experience with everyone.

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Golfer health, weight loss for golfer, improve golf game

"What other people may find in poetry or art museums, I find in the flight of a good drive."

-Arnold Palmer

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